Thunder Bay Branch – DNA NIGHT Making DNA Part of your Research

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Date(s) - 08/03/2022
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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An evening of Q&A  Tuesday, March 8th, 2022  7-9pm

We would like to hear from you!

How can I organize my DNA matches?  ✻  How do my matches work with my tree?  ✻ Y-DNA testing, autosomal, and mitochondrial – What’s the difference?  ✻  Why do my cousin and I share 50cM?  ✻ Can DNA matches help break down a brick wall? ✻ What are Thrulines?

Clare has some ideas and can help explain.

Have a burning DNA question? Now’s your chance to ask!

Please submit your DNA questions or problems to our Facebook Messenger at by Feb. 18th, 2022 to have our very own Clare Cook Muehlbauer  answer your questions, overview the different platforms, and share some of the pitfalls and successful strategies for using DNA to learn more about your family history!


Everyone welcome!

Thunder Bay District Branch, Ontario Ancestors

ZOOM Meeting ID: 868 4178 2866

Passcode: 752308